Our Services
- General healthcare
- Children’s health checks and immunizations
- Accident (ACC) consultations
- Women’s health checks including cervical smears and breast checks
- Men’s health checks
- ECG – detection of heart problems
- Blood pressure checks
- Wound management
- Sports injuries
- Driver’s licence medicals
- Contraception, family planning, sexual health
- Punch biopsy
- Aclasta infusion
- Iron infusion
- Dermoscopy – imaging of moles to assist diagnosis of melanoma
- Minor surgery
- Podiatrist on site weekly
- Travel advice and immunizations
- Diabetes checks and education
- Asthma education
- Spirometry
- Insurance medicals
- Blood samples collected on site for sending to Pathlab
- Skin Clinic on site weekly
- Liquid nitrogen
- Health Improvement Practitioner - available for free consultations at all our locations